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  Typically I will do a webinar live once, and then I take the recording from that event and build out an Automated Webinar Funnel that will allow me to keep sending traffic to that website every day for the rest of my life. It’s nice because you can keep selling your products twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, in every country in the world! At the time of this writing, I currently have two webinars that have both made me over a million dollars. Both are still selling to people right now while I’m writing this book!

  We add a few extra steps to the regular Sales Webinar Funnel to make this one run continuously. You start by driving traffic to a registration page that uses the Who, What, Why, How script, and people enter their names and emails to register. Then they go to a confirmation page where they get the date and time, set for some point in the future, or they can choose to watch “yesterday’s” replay right away.

  The webinar itself is the same format as the regular sales webinar; we deliver content and sell something at the end. (In a few pages, I’ll give you the Perfect Webinar script, which will show you exactly how to do this.)

  My team carefully tracks when a participant leaves, and then we send out a different email sequence, depending on how long they watched. Everyone who subscribes gets one sequence. Everyone who shows up and stays all the way to the end gets another sequence. People who show up but leave early get yet another sequence. And the no-shows get an entirely different sequence to encourage them to go back and watch a replay. Each sequence encourages people to either go back and finish watching, or go order the product we’re selling. Once the participant places an order, the email sequences should stop automatically.


  Now that you have people signed up, what are you going to say? How you structure your webinar has everything to do with how much you sell at the end.

  A typical webinar is broken down into three sections: the introduction, the content, and the close (or the sales pitch). Over the past ten years, I’ve had a chance to speak and sell on stages all around the world, and I’ve had the chance to learn from some of the best stage closers in the world. This script incorporates strategies I learned from at least a dozen different people. It’s the outline I now use for every webinar, and it works.

  There are a lot of pieces to this script, but try not to get overwhelmed. Think of it as just three sections—introduction, content, and the stack— then fill those three sections in with the scripts provided.

  INTRODUCTION: This should take about five minutes. It introduces you, your subject, and your credibility.

  Hi, I’m Russell Brunson, founder of DotComSecrets and CEO of several multi-million-dollar companies.

  Big Promise: Repeat your big promise. This is the One Thing that got the participants to sign up in the first place. It’s also the ruler they will use to judge your webinar’s quality. If you don’t set this ruler, then they will measure the value of your webinar based on something outside of your control.

  In the next sixty minutes, you are going to learn my exact strategy on “how to __________, without ____________. “

  Hook to End: Give the participants a reason to stick around all the way to the end of the webinar. Free giveaways are popular. You could also promise to do something funny or show them something cool.

  Don’t forget! At the end of the webinar, I’m going to give you a secret link where you can download a transcript of everything I’m going to show you today. You have to be watching live in order to get this, so stick around. I promise it will be worth your time.

  Command Attention: Tell them to close out of Facebook, turn off their cell phones, and give you their undivided attention. Also, you might ask the participants to grab a pen and paper for taking notes.

  I know there are distractions all around us, but this strategy I’m about to share can change your life. I don’t want you to miss a single crucial step. So, please . . . make a commitment to stay focused. Can you do that for yourself? Close out of Facebook. Stop checking your email. Turn off your cell phone. Give me your complete attention.

  Qualify Yourself: Let the participants know why you are qualified to speak on the subject.

  You’re probably wondering why I’m qualified to teach on this topic. Here’s my story: _____________.

  Future Pace: Lead the viewers through some imagination exercises where they can picture what life could be like once they learn the secrets you’re about to reveal. Be descriptive and appeal to all five senses, if possible.

  Imagine what your life will be like after you know how to

  Can you see ___________? Would that make things better for you?

  THE CONTENT: This is the meat of the webinar. It should run about fifty to sixty minutes, and it should deliver whatever content you promised in the registration script. I like to focus on one main idea and then reveal three secrets about that One Thing. So, I’m really teaching three things, but they all relate to the main idea I’m selling.

  The One Thing: The One Thing is the core content of this webinar. It’s the reason the participants showed up. What do they want or need to learn or understand? Every teaching point through the webinar must point back to THIS one thing. I always try to break down my “One Thing” into this simple format:

  How to ________without ___________.

  How to add high-ticket sales to your sales funnel instantly— without you personally talking to anyone on the phone . . . ever!

  This is the One Thing from my High-Ticket Secrets Webinar. For this offer, I looked at what the other “gurus” were teaching about making high-ticket sales. They were all teaching how to close people on the phone. Well, I HATE talking on the phone, and I think most of my audience does, too. So, I decided to show people how they can still take advantage of the income-boosting potential of high-ticket sales without talking on the phone.

  After I explain this big idea—the One Thing—I share three secrets that will expand on what I promised to reveal. Typically, when I’m creating these three secrets, I’m looking to debunk existing beliefs participants might have that would keep them from purchasing the product from me at the end of the webinar.

  For my High-Ticket Secrets Webinar, there were three belief patterns that I had to break in order to get people to buy. Below are the common beliefs and then the secrets I created to destroy that line of thinking:


  Break: The best model for making money online is to sell products.

  Rebuild: You can make more money in one day selling high-ticket products than you can in a MONTH by selling normal products.


  Break: To sell high-ticket products, I have to sell on the phone.

  Rebuild: You don’t personally have to sell anything! (Big plus because I hate phones!) Let me show you how to build a two-person, mini call center to close all of the sales for you.


  Break: It probably costs a fortune to drive enough traffic to make this work.

  Rebuild: You only need a little bit of traffic to make this work (about one hundred clicks a day).

  Remember, teaching these three secrets should take fifty to sixty minutes. So be sure to tell stories, show examples, and use this as an opportunity to get your audience to bond with the Attractive Character.

  THE STACK: This section of the webinar should last at least ten minutes. Often, I allow for twenty minutes or more, depending on what I’m selling. The hardest part of selling on a webinar, for most people, is transitioning into the close. They start to get nervous, and the hesitation shows in the voice and confidence level. The best way I’ve found to transition is simply to say, Let me ask you a question . . ., and then you move straight into how your product will help the participants with whatever your One Thing is. Once you transition into your sales pitch, you’re going to use something called “The Stack.”

  The Stack: I consider The Stack my secret weapon. I learned it from one of my mentors, A
rmand Morin. I saw him speak on stage and close nearly half the room with almost no effort. I pulled him aside to find out what he was doing, and he explained to me The Stack. I started using it immediately, and I went from closing on average 5-10% of a room to consistently closing 20% or more. Then I started using it on my sales webinars and saw a dramatic increase in how much I made with each viewing. It’s worked so well and so consistently that I will never give a sales presentation again without it.

  Armand taught me that the only thing your prospect remembers when you sell is the last thing you showed him. He explained that most sales presentations focus on the core offer, then a list of bonuses. So the last thing shown is the last bonus, followed by a call to action to get the prospect to buy. The problem with this is when the person doesn’t think that the last thing you offered is worth the price. They simply won’t buy under those circumstances.

  So, Armand builds a presentation slide called a Stack Slide. This slide has everything included in the offer, presented in a long, bulleted list. He introduces the first bullet point, talks about it, moves to the second bullet point, and so on. But when he shows the slide with the second bullet, he re-stacks the offer:

  So what that means is that you’re first going to get _________and also _______.

  He then talks about the next component of the offer and reveals the next stack slide, but this time, there are three products listed in the offer, stacked from the first mentioned to the last. Be sure to notice the order and arrangement:

  So what that means is that you’re first going to get __________and also_______AND also this _______.

  He keeps doing this throughout the entire close. When he gets to that last part of the offer, he shows the final stack slide, with EVERYTHING listed, and recaps everything on that slide. Then, he finally introduces the price. Now, prospects associate the price with the full offer—not just the last thing he mentions.

  After you reveal your full stack slide, you want to show the total value of everything the buyers are going to receive. Even though the price you name first isn’t what buyers will actually pay, you need to anchor that price in their minds before you move on. We do that by introducing “If all” statements similar to the ones we used in the Star, Story, Solution script.

  If/All: Use the words “If all” to anchor the offer and help the buyer justify the price you have given. Use both “toward pleasure” and “away from pain” statements.

  If all this did was give you the house of your dreams, would it be worth it? (Toward pleasure.)

  If all this did was let you fire your boss, would it be worth it? (Away from pain.)

  Reveal the Real Price: Now tell them the actual price. This price should be much lower than the price you gave after The Stack.

  I’m not going to charge you ___________. I’m only going to charge you ___________.

  Those are all the core elements of a Perfect Webinar. It’s the path I take my customers down when I am selling them anything on a webinar. I do have a variety of ways I close out a webinar. As you can see from the image at the beginning of this chapter, there are sixteen methods that I use in most of my presentations. In order to make these clear to you, I created a special video demonstrating how to use the sixteen closes while you are doing The Stack. To see that video, go to

  Now that you know the structure of the Perfect Webinar, how would you like to learn how to get people to pay you to sell them highticket offers? We’ve developed a special webinar funnel where people will pay you for the privilege of letting you sell them on your highest-priced offerings. And they’ll do it with smiles on their faces. It’s called the Invisible Funnel Webinar, and it’s next!

  FUNNEL #5:


  The next way we sell products in the middle of the Value Ladder is through a concept we call the Invisible Funnel. The Invisible Funnel is a concept that was created by Daegan Smith. It’s a powerful tool my team has used often over the past few years to get people to ascend our Value Ladder quickly.

  The Invisible Funnel is a premium webinar that people pay for AFTER the webinar is over—if (and only if) they love what you taught them. Let’s look at how it works.

  We drive traffic to a website that uses The Magic Bullet script to get people to sign up for the Invisible Funnel-style webinar. To register, participants enter their credit card details, but they are not billed anything right then. They watch the webinar, which is usually three or four hours of amazing, high-value content. Then, AFTER the webinar is over, if they agree that the webinar was worth the pre-determined price, then they do nothing, and you charge the card the next day. If the participants don’t think the webinar was worth the money, they must send you an email before a certain deadline so that you won’t charge their card. This format lets people try before they buy, and it gives you a chance to show off your very best content first.

  At the end of the webinar, you can do a very soft sale to push the participants to an application page where they can upgrade to your high-ticket backend products or services. If you structure your Invisible Funnel correctly, you’ll find that it’s a really cool way to get people to buy things—without ever selling them anything. It creates tons of good will and builds a strong bond with the Attractive Character.

  Let’s talk about the numbers from my first Invisible Funnel Webinar.

  We had five hundred and fifty people register with their credit cards.

  From those five hundred and fifty people, 85% of them showed up for the actual webinar. (This number was shocking, considering that roughly 30% attendance is common on free webinars.)

  I taught for four hours. At the end, I told those who didn’t love it to let me know, and I promised not to charge their credit cards.

  From that offer, we only had about 10% of the people cancel. So we were able to bill 90% of them the forty-seven dollar price tag, totaling about $23.5K. That’s not bad, considering I hadn’t sold anything to anyone yet. I just gave them a bunch of cool value in the form of information.

  Finally, I invited those on the webinar to apply for my high-end coaching services, and from that offer, we got a stack of applications that turned into an additional six figures in business over the next thirty days.

  We’ve successfully used the Invisible Funnel to sell weight-loss products, dating advice, speed-reading programs, and a whole bunch more. I don’t use the Invisible Funnel for every selling situation, but it’s a powerful tool that my team uses a few times each year to build a ton of good will with our audience—and to make some extra money while we do it.

  Let me show you exactly how to get people to register for an Invisible Funnel Webinar.


  A “Magic Bullet” is simply the One Thing you’re promising they’ll get out of the webinar within a certain amount of time, or they don’t pay. There’s an old saying in direct response marketing that you have to “sell it, even if it’s free.” That goes for these “try before you buy” webinars, too. I do have a script that I use to get people to pull out their credit cards and sign up. For a video sales letter, this script should be somewhere between two and three minutes—not too long.

  Raise the Question: Set up your Magic Bullet by asking questions that bring people’s desires to the front of their minds. Make them wish they had what you’re about to offer. You want the answers to the questions to be YES! Raising desire questions at the beginning of the sales letter works really well. Depending on your market, you may want to use questions that move people toward pleasure or away from pain.

  Example dialogue to move the participant toward pleasure:

  What if you could plug any book into your brain, instantly download that knowledge, and implement that information into your life?

  Do you want to learn a new language?

  Do you desire to learn how to make money?

  Are you ready to score high on a test?

ample dialogue for moving a participant away from pain:

  Let me ask you a question . . .

  Do you ever feel like you’re the only guy in the world who can’t talk to a pretty girl?

  Do your hands start to sweat when you walk into a room full of people?

  Does your heart beat so fast it feels like it might burst out of your chest right then and there?

  Does the thought of humiliation keep you home at night . . . all alone?

  The final question should say something like, “Wouldn’t it be nice if . . .,” or “Wouldn’t it be awesome if . . .”.

  Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a way to learn anything almost instantly AND retain it all much longer?

  Wouldn’t it be great if you could walk into any social situation and feel totally at ease?

  Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could eat whatever you wanted every day and still lose weight?

  Introduction: Next you want to introduce yourself and the idea of the Magic Bullet you are going to offer in the webinar training.

  Hi, my name is Russell, and those are questions I used to ask myself as well.

  Just imagine if you had that ability. What would you learn? What information would you want if you could instantly download it into your brain?